April Monthly Wrap Up!

To say that April was a bit of a wretched month for reading would be a bit of an understatement. Echoing the sentiment that many fellow bloggers have been saying in their wrap ups, while March felt like it crawled by, April was pretty much gone in a blink. I’m honestly not mad about it though. I’d ideally like to have a do-over of this shite month, but it is what it is. By now we all know that my reading took a huge nosedive this month is mainly because of Animal Crossing New Horizons… I had no idea how dangerous this game would be for me as I let my sister convince me to finally buy it–not that it was very difficult, mind you.

So here we are today… With the first exams I’ve ever failed in my life (O.W.L.s), a seemingly unscalable (e)ARC Mountain still to climb, and a total of seven books read this month. At least I have a nice (in game) island though, right? 😅

(5 pandas)
⁍ (eARC) They Went Leftread my review!
Incendiary (Hollow Crown #1)read my review!

(4.5 pandas)
⁍ (eARC) The Silence of Bonesread my review!

(3.5 pandas)
⁍ (eARC) Gotham Highread my review!
Hope and Other Dangerous Pursuitsread my review!

(3 pandas)
⁍ (eARC) Ruthless Gods (Something Dark and Holy #2)(actual 2.75) RTC

(2 pandas)
Donut Disturb (Donut Disturb #1)read my review!

Well, it was a month… I’m glad that despite my lack of reading and the few misses that I encountered, I ended up really enjoying most of the books that I read. If I had to pick a favourite I would choose Incendiary. It was such a fast-paced entertaining story with an interesting Spanish inspired world, fascinating magic, and (mostly) likeable characters. I can’t wait for the next book and I’m looking forward to reading more by this author 😍

As you can see, most of the books I read this month were blog tour reads and I’m not even sure what I would’ve read had it not been for these to drag me back to the bookish world! Not that I’m loving reading any less, I just loved gaming a bit more this last month. I’m not even going to touch on the fact that I failed my O.W.L.s because wow, weak sauce. I’m trying not to feel too guilty about it because hey, there’s always next year right? But I only had to read four books to pass them… 🤦🏻‍♀️ Anyway, other than that I also made a few posts for the Bookending Spring blogging challenge. No surprise to anybody, I didn’t end up posting the three that I said I would and ended up only making two posts. Oh, AprilAnimal Crossing!

Here are the other reviews I posted this month:

I hope you’re all staying safe and healthy wherever you are! Happy reading and here’s to a great reading month in May 🙂

11 thoughts on “April Monthly Wrap Up!

  1. This month has also been really hard for me to balance school and reading :// most of my wrap up was romance novels bc I just could not concentrate or have the time to read!! Finals r this week for me… but I’m so close to summer! Sorry April was stressful I wish u the best May love 💛


  2. I read 19 books in April, which is a lot for me. But, I was such a mood reader that I totally failed my O.W.L.s! And, I was so ashamed that I didn’t even mention it in my April Wrap-Up. So….you’re not alone there.


  3. That’s it! I’m staying away from Animal Crossing! 😀 I managed to get through March and April without purchasing the Switch (even though I really wanted to…), and my bday is this month so I thought if I’d hint enough, someone would gift it to me 😀 But I’m taking all of my hints back and asking for more books instead. Lol

    I’m so happy you read the Incendiary last month! It’s a fantastic book and I want EVERYONE to read it.


  4. It was a month indeed. No truer words were ever spoken Dini. I’m more than happy to see the back of April. I hope May brings you more peace and contentment my friend. And your books will always be there, sometimes we need time doing other things when life is just a giant mess like it is right now. Seven books is still a pretty awesome number I think. Proud of you ☺️☺️☺️ much love Dini 💖❤️❤️💜💜💚💚💙💙💛💛


  5. March and April were weird months, May is going to be better Dini! Anyway, I have read a few books and passed the OWLs but my posts are so behind… I was reading this post and thinking I didn’t even finish my March wrap up yet. We all are kinda off right now, it’s been hard to keep things balanced. You still read a lot even with Animal Crossing (I’m so tempted to get it!). 💙


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