Sundays in Bed With… #MyWeeklyWrapUp

We’re back with another Sundays in Bed With… meme! This meme dares to ask you what book has been in your bed this morning and is hosted by Midnight Book Girl. Come share what book you’ve been you’ve spent time curled up reading in bed with, or which book you wish you had time to read today!

This Sunday I spent the whole day in bed with Ruthless Gods and I’m so happy to say that I’m done with that book. Finally! Wow. I mean, I know I’ve been gaming a lot but I honestly feel like I’d been reading that book forever. I thought the first book was just okay, it didn’t blow me away like I was expecting it to, but I was hoping I’d enjoy book two more. Sadly, I have even stronger lukewarm feelings for this one… Review will be coming soon if I can write a coherent one! Might just be a mini review… I am picking up Incendiary tonight though, so I’m hoping for a turn around in reading feels with this one!

I am Renata Convida.
I have lived a hundred stolen lives.
Now I live my own.

Renata Convida was only a child when she was kidnapped by the King’s Justice and brought to the luxurious palace of Andalucia. As a Robari, the rarest and most feared of the magical Moria, Renata’s ability to steal memories from royal enemies enabled the King’s Wrath, a siege that resulted in the deaths of thousands of her own people.

Now Renata is one of the Whispers, rebel spies working against the crown and helping the remaining Moria escape the kingdom bent on their destruction. The Whispers may have rescued Renata from the palace years ago, but she cannot escape their mistrust and hatred–or the overpowering memories of the hundreds of souls she turned “hollow” during her time in the palace.

When Dez, the commander of her unit, is taken captive by the notorious Sangrado Prince, Renata will do anything to save the boy whose love makes her place among the Whispers bearable. But a disastrous rescue attempt means Renata must return to the palace under cover and complete Dez’s top secret mission. Can Renata convince her former captors that she remains loyal, even as she burns for vengeance against the brutal, enigmatic prince? Her life and the fate of the Moria depend on it.

But returning to the palace stirs childhood memories long locked away. As Renata grows more deeply embedded in the politics of the royal court, she uncovers a secret in her past that could change the entire fate of the kingdom–and end the war that has cost her everything.

What are you currently reading?

My feelings from last week have carried on through to this week and I’m feeling an emotional restlessness that is starting to make me quite anxious. I’m still spending hours playing Animal Crossing and I think the reason why I’m still playing it so much is because it really takes me away from reality. I love designing my own island from scratch and it just relaxes me so much! Work was a little crazy this week which made things feel a little bit more “normal”

Reading & Blogging Recap

Reading has been almost non-existent until I finally pushed myself to finish reading Ruthless Gods today. What a time! I’ve also really slacked off on blog hopping and responding to comments over the last week. I did a bit of catching up today but if you get a lot of responses and comments from me in the coming week, I’m sorry for all the spam 😂 I’ve really not posted a lot this week because my energy has been quite low so ICMYI here’s what I did post:

Top 5 Saturday: Books Under 300 pages
First Lines Friday: 24 April
#WWWWednesday: 22 April
#TopTenTuesday: Titles That Would Make Good Band Names!
#5OnMyTBR: Hyped from the Past
The Silence of the Bones Blog Tour: Review and Favourite Quotes


You guys! This song makes me teary every single time! I think I only know of Ben Platt because of the Dear Evan Hansen musical and the “duet” he did with Lin Manuel combining two of the most famous songs from Dear Evan Hansen and Hamilton. But I digress. This song and video is so simple and full of emotion. It’s been an emotional week so I’ve been listening to it on repeat. It’s just beautiful! 💜

How has your week been? Did you get a lot of reading done?
Hope you had a great weekend and have a great week ahead! 😊

15 thoughts on “Sundays in Bed With… #MyWeeklyWrapUp

  1. Pushing through with ‘lukewarm’ books is not easy. I had a similar experience recently and had to bribe myself to finish (by baking cookies). Who can say no to that?! I hope your next reading week is better Dini 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh lordy, if I bribed myself to finish a book with cookies I’d never finish the book just so I could eat more cookies 🤣 Hahaha I’m so weird! I bribed myself by saying if I got through to a certain % in the book, I could put it down and game 😅 But next time I encounter a lukewarm one, I’m defo trying baking bribery! LOL


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