Sundays in Bed With… #MyWeeklyWrapUp [235]

We’re back with another Sundays in Bed With… meme! This meme dares to ask you what book has been in your bed this morning and is hosted by Midnight Book Girl. Come share what book you’ve spent your time reading in bed or wish you had time to read today!

I think I’ll be spending my Sunday night in bed with The Midnight Bride. I read the first book in this romantasy series yesterday and was pleasantly surprised by it, especially since the author’s other works I’ve read have leaned toward erotica. I’m hoping this continues to expand on the world-building and I can’t wait to meet this couple!

What book are you spending your Sunday in bed with?

I had grand reading plans this weekend… But those were aggressively shoved to the side because I started my first play-through of Hollow Knight. I knew that by the time I had to put the game down on Thursday evening and I couldn’t stop thinking about it all day Friday, that I would get very little done this weekend. I was right! 😂 I’m so late to the Hollow Knight party but I’m obsessed even though sometimes it’s so difficult for an amateur gamer like me that I’m ready to throw my controller and just quit, lol. I’ve now made it to the City of Tears!

I dropped the ball a bit on blogging the past couple of days and it’s all because of Hollow Knight. 😂

ICYMI here’s what I posted this week:

dawns – zach bryan x maggie rogers

I really hope you’re all doing okay and treating yourself with care. Let’s have a great week ahead! 💜

3 thoughts on “Sundays in Bed With… #MyWeeklyWrapUp [235]

  1. I haven’t been up on the gaming world since the 80s (maybe knew a little from the kid in the early 2000s). Any time spent doing something you enjoy is time well spent. Good on you! Beat that game!


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