Sundays in Bed With… #MyWeeklyWrapUp

We’re back with another Sundays in Bed With… meme! This meme dares to ask you what book has been in your bed this morning and is hosted by Midnight Book Girl. Come share what book you’ve spent time curled up reading in bed with, or which book you wish you had time to read today!

The funky reading mood persists and so this Sunday I’ll be spending the night in bed finishing Trashed and hopefully, I’ll be starting my ARC of A Magic Steeped in Poison!

What are you currently reading?

My funky mood persists this week and it’s down to my lack of sleep. My insomnia is kicking in hard this week and maybe it’s my subconscious restlessness that’s making it hard to shut my brain off but it’s a drainer for sure. Thankfully, I’ve not had much on this week except for today, when I spent the whole day slowly reorganising my bookshelf (again). Somehow, when the painters moved my shelf when they were doing my room, they knocked my books about and put them back haphazardly? Thankfully nothing’s damaged but my back’s looking forward to a lie down now! 😂

In other more exciting news, I was having another chat with one of my uni besties about visiting her and staying a while, and I finally made it official today when I booked my flight to India the first week in June! I’m so excited!! I’ll be visiting for a month and supporting her with her business while looking for opportunities while I’m there. I think after being stagnant for years in Indonesia, the change will be really good for me + my mental health, whether it’s a more permanent move or just a short trip. Plus, it’ll just be really good to see my friend again 💜

With my low energy, I haven’t been able to focus much on reading, and when I have managed to finish something, I haven’t had the energy to kick my brain into action and write a review! 😂 I have been making notes so hopefully, that’ll good enough for me to write something later… I did get some exciting book mail though: my Goldsboro edition of Aurora’s End. I’m scared and excited for this series finale and I love that Finian is on the cover!

ICYMI, here’s what I posted on the blog:

i’ll get by – avi kaplan

I hope you’ve all had a good weekend and that you have a great week ahead! Take care of yourselves and of each other, friends 🖤

17 thoughts on “Sundays in Bed With… #MyWeeklyWrapUp

  1. Insomnia is not a good thing. I hope you can get your sleep schedule back on track. But, whoo hoo! Count down to India. That sounds really exciting, and fingers crossed you find some good opportunities out there.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Insomnia is the worst and I’ve been trying not to take too many sleep aids these days but I took a sleeping pill last night and ah, I feel a little bit more rested today 😂 I’m pretty excited—I need to make one of those countdown timer things on my phone! Haha. I hope you have a great week ahead, Sam!

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    • Thanks, Tessa! I’m quite excited. It’s been ages since I’ve seen my bestie not just thanks to the panorama but living in different countries so I can’t wait 😍 I hope you have a great week ahead!

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  2. I miss when Avi was in Pentatonix. Glad he’s doing his thing, though. I hope you enjoy India when the time comes. I have been in a weird reading mood this weekend. I ended the week with some great new releases on KU, but now am kind of blah.

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    • I miss Avi in Pentatonix too! They were so great but his solo music is also pretty awesome 😍 I love his voice so much! I totally feel you on the weird reading mood. I’ve tried to pick up a few ARCs and KU books but nothing was sticking 🥺 I hope you manage to shake the mood soon, Deanna, and have a great week ahead!

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  3. You’re trip to India sounds so fun – good for you, Dini! You deserve it! I’m about halfway through A Magic Steeped in Poison. Can’t wait to read your thoughts! Message me if you want to chat about it!!!

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    • I’m pretty excited about it especially to see my bestie who I haven’t seen for ages 😍 Hehe can’t believe travelling is a possibility already now (never thought we’d see this day, ngl lol)! Are you enjoying A Magic Steeped in Poison? I started reading a bit before my sleeping pill finally kicked in last night 😂 I’ll message you!

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  4. AHHH YOUR BOOKSHELF LOOKS GORGEOUS 🤩🤩 not me feeling jealous here over how big it is haha! NO BUT SERIOUSLY I LOVE IT SO MUCH!! I can’t wait to hear what you think of a magic steeped in poison, I’m so excited to read it! Hope you have an amazing week with loads of great books!

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    • Aah, thank you so much! I’m slowly becoming happier with my shelves 😍 I’ve been putting off picking it up despite telling myself to pick the book up ASAP but this week it’s on! Haha I started the first few chapters and I can already see that it has high potential to suck me in very quickly!

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