Sundays in Bed With… #MyWeeklyWrapUp [50]

We’re back with another Sundays in Bed With… meme! This meme dares to ask you what book has been in your bed this morning and is hosted by Midnight Book Girl. Come share what book you’ve been you’ve spent time curled up reading in bed with, or which book you wish you had time to read today!

This Sunday I should’ve spent the day in bed with Ruthless Gods. But if you guessed that I spent the day gaming, then you’d be 10,000% correct 😅 I’m reading this as a buddy read so I really need to get myself together and get cracking on it! I’ve got my first two blog tours coming up next week and yikes, this panda has not read anything in what feels like forever now 🐼 Curse you, gaming! 🙃

Darkness never works alone…
Nadya doesn’t trust her magic anymore. Serefin is fighting off a voice in his head that doesn’t belong to him. Malachiasz is at war with who–and what–he’s become.
As their group is continually torn apart, the girl, the prince, and the monster find their fates irrevocably intertwined. They’re pieces on a board, being orchestrated by someone… or something. The voices that Serefin hears in the darkness, the ones that Nadya believes are her gods, the ones that Malachiasz is desperate to meet—those voices want a stake in the world, and they refuse to stay quiet any longer.

What are you currently reading?

So have I really done anything other than game for the whole week? Nope. Well, okay, that’s a small lie. I did work when I was supposed to with some gaming breaks thrown in here and there! I’ve also attempted to pick up one or two books — two of which are for the blog tours I’m joining next week (EEK!) — but I’m really struggling to have anything pull me in.

On a more positive note, I’ve been having a lot of video calls with different groups of friends and it’s making me quite happy. Growing up as a third culture kid means the majority of my besties are spread out globally from Australia, India, Europe, the UK and America. My clock app on my phone is full of many time zones 🤣 We do a lot of reminiscing and talking about things other than the pandemic, plus it’s always just really nice connecting with them again, especially when we’re all busy with our own lives daily and don’t always have this much time to catch up.

Reading & Blogging Recap

So… I haven’t finished one book since Wednesday? And the book I finished then was Warcross (which I was already 98% finished with at that point). So, yay for me?! *welp* The blogging front has been going better than the reading, although to be honest, these haven’t been my best posts 😂 I also have quite a few reviews that I still need to write or re-write after reading through my first attempt at writing it last week and realising I’m making zero sense LOL lotsa brain farts happening over here 🙃

And on that note, here’s what I posted this week ICMYI:

Review: The Trials of Morrigan Crow (Nevermoor #1) by Jessica Townsend
Top 5 Saturday: Books to Read While Stuck Inside
Book Ending Spring 2020: The Wedding Tag!
First Lines Friday: 03 April
O.W.L.s Magical Readathon Announcement & Possibility Pile!
March Monthly Wrap Up
#WWWWednesday: 01 April
#TopTenTuesday: 10 Signs You’re A Book Lover
#5OnMyTBR: Humorous Books
Goodreads Monday: The Institute by Stephen King


How has your week been? Did you get a lot of reading done?
Hope you had a great weekend and have a great week ahead! 😊

23 thoughts on “Sundays in Bed With… #MyWeeklyWrapUp [50]

  1. I’ve only done a couple buddy reads but I never seem to fare well. I used to think I was a fast reader but I learned that I am not. LOL Everyone always finishes way before me and by the time I’m ready to discuss they’ve moved on. *sigh* Hooray for the video chats! What a great way to stay connected. I like that song from Maren Morris and Hozier. And what a cool video.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I usually like group/buddy reads but right now I’m just really in a weird head space (as we might all be I’m sure)! Though finding the right people to buddy read with definitely makes a huge difference! It definitely isn’t for everyone though and that’s ok 🙂 I have been obsessed with this song this week! It’s the first song I play every morning and it’s so soothing and I love the lyrics ❤ Hope you have a great week ahead, Tanya!


  2. I’m glad to hear the video chats are working out so well for you. I think I’m going to try to set up some of those for my son and his grandparents. They’ve been texting but I think some actually face time with them would be better.

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    • Video chats have been amazing! I’m not usually one for video or even calling in general, texting is much more my jam, but it has been really nice to have that connection with friends again. Especially when we’re all usually so busy and our plans to chat “later” never come to anything. I think if there’s one “nice” thing about the quarantining it’s definitely being able to give more attention to relationships, even if it’s not f2f! 😀


  3. Ahaha 😀 I’m so NOT getting Switch. Lol Somehow I managed to read 7 (some very short) books already this month and I don’t want to ruin my reading strike 😀
    I’d love to know what you think of Ruthless Gods. It was one of the books I DNF’d in March, but still not sure if it was me or the book. D:

    Liked by 1 person

    • HOLY WOW! 7 books!? That’s amazing, Alex~ (no matter how short the books are, 7 is still 7)! 😱 Dang… I haven’t even picked up one book properly this month haha I really need to work harder on this 🤣 I just re-read the last bit of Wicked Saints and I think I get it a bit more now but I’m also not sure I really understand 100% what’s happening. Your feels about WS were the same as mine too, so it’ll be interesting to see how RG go! Will definitely be reviewing it (whenever I actually read it… 😅)!

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  4. I did a video call with my besties this weekend and it was awesome!! Definitely a pick me up. I bet that’s a lot harder to pull off when you’re in different time zones, so I’m really happy for you!! I’ve been doing a mix of reading and gaming (some video games some board games – lol), but I’ve just been very chill and just doing whatever I want whenever I feel like doing it. LOL! Keeps the stress at a minimum.

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    • Yay! How great are video calls huh? Makes me so happy that apps like Skype and WhatsApp exist for free calls 😂 These calls are such stress relievers and pick me ups ❤ Keeping stress at the minimum is totes the way to go and I'm allowing myself to game during work breaks but I'm reserving night time for at least some reading 😂 Hope the stress is keeping away ❤


    • It has been so hard to focus so I’m trying to also be kind to myself though these deadlines are looming! 😅 But you’re so right. Being harsh with ourselves doesn’t help right now so being kind with gaming is the way ❤ Thanks Kal!

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