The Sunshine Blogger Award III

Hello, friends! It’s been a bit of a stressful week so I thought I’d take it ‘easy’ with a fun post. It’s been a long while since I’ve done an award or tagged post and I’ve got an embarrassing number of them that I need to get to. I should really plan this better (but also what’s new?)!

Several months ago I was nominated by Kathryn @ Metaphors and Miscellanea for the Sunshine Blogger Award! I love reading her insightful reviews and other entertaining posts, such as when she’s spilling the tea on hot bookish topics. If you’re not following Kathryn yet, I would suggest getting on it now!

What is the Sunshine Blogger Award?

The Sunshine Blogger Award is given to those who are creative, positive and inspiring while spreading sunshine to the blogging community.


  • Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you in a blog post and link back to their blog.
  • Answer the 11 questions sent by the person who nominated you.
  • Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
  • List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog.

They say not to judge a book by its cover, but we sometimes do.
What is your favorite book cover?

I don’t know if I’d say it’s my “all time favourite cover” but the first one that comes to mind is The Binding. The best part of having this hard cover is getting to see the naked cover and spine because it’s stunning. I feel like it sets the mood for the book really well (even though I still have to read it)!

What real-life award would you like to win? Grammy, Oscar, Nobel, National Book Award, Ig-Nobel…? Anything goes!

What an interesting question that has never once crossed my mind 😂 I do love to sing and have always been part of choirs/chamber choirs when I was in school, so a grammy would be pretty cool!

What is the last song you listened to?

Poof! You have a fairy that will do one specific mundane task for you for the rest of your life so you don’t have to (e.g. laundry, filing taxes, cleaning the bathroom, etc.). What would you like it to take care of for you?

LOL I absolutely love this question! The first thing I thought of immediately was packing. I’ve been lucky to have travelled a lot in my life but packing is something I’ve come to really dread. I’ll always put it off until the last minute possible. This is mostly due to my laziness and just wanting to get it over with ASAP.

If you could spend a day with any author, living or dead, who would you choose, and what would you guys do?

I really don’t think this answer will come as a surprise to anyone but I’d totally spend the day with Jay Kristoff. He just seems like such a chill dude and I absolutely love how he interacts with fans and shows his appreciation for them. I’ve had a few rando chats with him when he’s responded to a tag or two over on Instagram and Facebook and it was totally unexpected but super cool! I think I’d suggest going to get some ink done? Then I’d pester him about books, fan art, and his inspo. It would be chill but (hopefully) fun!

It is a little-known fact that everyone has a tiny horse inside them. Some say that this horse represents…your soul. What does the tiny horse inside of you look like?

I’m honestly not even sure how to answer this 😂 I think the tiny horse inside of me would actually look like a giant cuddly panda. A nerdy, home-body of a panda that exudes extreme comfort feels!

If you had to personify yourself as a shoe, what shoe would you be?

Hmm… I think I’d be a black, chunky oxford platform shoe. It looks a little wild but it’s sturdy because of the platform. The shoes might take a bit of time to get used to initially but once they grow on you they become a staple comfort shoe with a little bit of weird edge? I don’t know lol I just really love these kinds of shoes okay!

You have to choose one book that is so fine, it deserves to be dipped in chocolate. What book gets that honor?

How do I answer this question?! Is this a good thing? I mean, I assume it is since it’s being dipped in chocolate and ‘that is so fine’ but… What do I say?! Is that like a sexy fine? I’m thinking too hard about my answer for this… I’m just gonna throw out one of my last reads that still has my heart squeeing!

How would you complete the following? “Stop! _____________.”

“Stop! …Right now, thank you very much! I need somebody with a human touch” 🎶😂 (You’re welcome!)

If you could swap names with any fictional character, whose name would you want?

Ooh this is a tough one! I think I’d choose Aelin Galathynius or Manon Blackbeak from the Throne of Glass series because I love their names but also they’re bad ass so that might be colouring my decision just a teeny bit! 🤣

Favorite dipping sauce?

I don’t really … use dipping sauces? Anything cheesy is always a win for me but… I have to say one of my favourite things to eat with thick cut chips is fritessaus or a special kind of mayonnaise that the Dutch eat with their chips. It’s so freaking good. My mouth is watering… Nom nom nom…

And that’s all for Kathryn’s questions. I don’t think I’ve ever answered such fun and creative questions in a tag or award before and I loved it! It definitely made me think about things that would’ve never crossed my mind otherwise! Hope you enjoyed my answers (sorry for being so long-winded, as usual) 😅

I Tag

No pressure at all if doing tags or awards isn’t your thing!

My Questions

Sorry Kathryn, I’m stealing one of your questions coz I’m really curious what people will answer! Also, I apologise in advance that my questions aren’t half as creative or fun as the ones Kathryn asked me 😅

  1. If you could only eat one dish for the rest of your life what would it be?
  2. What’s your favourite hobby outside of reading?
  3. What are three of the best things about the book community?
  4. Do you collect anything when you travel (even if it’s locally)?
  5. If someone offered to buy three books from your wish list and you had ten seconds to tell them the titles or miss the chance to get them, what books would you say?
  6. If you could choose to do anything in the world for a living, what would you do?
  7. Do you own any extra special books (special editions, signed) that you’ll never let anyone else touch/borrow?
  8. What fictional character is most like you?
  9. What is one of the most interesting things you’ve learned from reading fiction?
  10. What is the last book you highly recommend?
  11. It is a little-known fact that everyone has a tiny horse inside them. Some say that this horse represents…your soul. What does the tiny horse inside of you look like?

26 thoughts on “The Sunshine Blogger Award III

  1. Oh my goodness!! I was reading through your answers and smiling, and then found myself tagged! Ha! Thank you! I can’t wait to participate. 🙂

    And I’m also very confused by the tiny horse question. We’ll see what I can come up with! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  2. 1. If you could only eat one dish for the rest of your life what would it be? Tacos
    2. What’s your favourite hobby outside of reading? watching women’s college basketball
    3. What are three of the best things about the book community? sharing good books, conversations about books, having someone who likes books as much as I do
    4. Do you collect anything when you travel (even if it’s locally)? Not really
    5. If someone offered to buy three books from your wish list and you had ten seconds to tell them the titles or miss the chance to get them, what books would you say? Treyton, Throw Like a Girl, and Wild at Heart
    6. If you could choose to do anything in the world for a living, what would you do? read books!
    7. Do you own any extra special books (special editions, signed) that you’ll never let anyone else touch/borrow? I own a bunch of books I got signed at BB18.
    8. What fictional character is most like you? I don’t know at this point in my life.
    9. What is one of the most interesting things you’ve learned from reading fiction? facts about bees from Karen White’s Flight Pattern.
    10. What is the last book you highly recommend? Next Year in Havana
    11. It is a little-known fact that everyone has a tiny horse inside them. Some say that this horse represents…your soul. What does the tiny horse inside of you look like? I feel like it would be yellow to represent happiness.

    I loved reading all of your answers!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aw, I love your tiny horse answer 💛 Yay for happiness! Also, eating tacos forever would be amazing lol I got Wild at Heart on Kindle the other day and omg I’m so excited to read it. Actually started a few pages but I put it down coz I have blog tour books to finish and I know once I start I won’t be able to put that one down 🤣 Thanks for sharing your answers, Deanna!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you for the tag, Dini! It will take me a while because I’m suuuper behind with those but I’m excited about answering your questions! Loved reading your answers as well 🙂 The Binding’s cover is so pretty (and btw, the book BLEW MY MIND!! It starts off slowly but then it takes such spins it was an anxiety ride till the end!)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Haha no worries E! I’m always super behind on all the tags/awards too 😂No pressure at all! I keep hearing about how amazing The Binding is and I can’t wait to read it. I hope I feel the same about the content of the book as I do about the insanely gorgeous cover ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  4. The cover of the Binding is gorgeous! I think my favorite one (from the books I own) is the UK edition of the Bear and the Nightingale ❤

    Ahaha, I LOVE packing. It's like the best thing about going somewhere, and I usually start packing a few days (who am I kidding… a few weeks) before I go. *facepalm* I'm a control freak, I know… Lol

    Aelin is actually a very pretty name!

    Liked by 1 person

    • The UK TBATN is gorgeous! SO colorful and eye catching 😍
      Haha it seems a lot of people like/love packing but I’ve just done it so much growing up and I’m getting increasingly lazier hahaha I just want to like think about what to pack and having it appear magically in my suitcase rather than actually do it myself 🤣 Being so organized and packing weeks before a trip is actually better than packing last minute and forgetting… a lot of important tings *cough* 🙈

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Aelin Galathynius is an awesome name, first of all haha. And I love mayonnaise (any kind) with fries! Yummy!!

    Packing does kind of suckl. I could see having a little fairy to magically do that. Or taxes too. Oh my gosh yes TAXES. Wow. Actually I can think of all kinds of things now… maybe I need like 52 fairy helpers lol.

    Anyway fun post!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Greg! Aelin is an awesome name and YES MAYO! Haha so many people seem to dislike mayo but… Hmmm I won’t lie, I’m definitely a mayo girl! 😂 A fairy to do taxes was the second thing I thought too! Haha but I’d love to have all the fairy helpers as well. That’d be so much fun 😆


  6. Thank you for tagging me!! 🙂 I really love your questions and will undoubtedly get to writing this post one of these days. 🙂 The Binding is gorgeous, oh my god, all the heart eyes ever. That’s so surprising about hating packing so much, haha. Granted, I don’t travel a lot, but I do really enjoy packing and choosing what clothes or outfits (and books!) to bring with myself, so we’re very different here. I’ve recently started Love Lettering, and I’m hoping to love that.

    Great answers! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Haha packing seems to be something a lot of people seem to enjoy doing but I think I’ve just done it so much and I’m such a lazy panda that I always put it off to the last minute. There’s never enough space in my suitcase to bring all I want with me 😂 Especially when it comes to books! I hope you ended up loving Love Lettering or that you’re loving it, if you’re still reading it ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  7. These are some amazing questions that you’ve come up with! I stopped by because I was at Wordy and Whimsical and wanted to find out who asked such great questions ❤
    I'm so jealous you travel that much to need packing a lot!
    Also Jay Kristoff is so so cool! I think I met him once when he was in Brisbane for an author event?? It was awesome!

    Liked by 1 person

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