Sundays in Bed With… #MyWeeklyWrapUp [237]

We’re back with another Sundays in Bed With… meme! This meme dares to ask you what book has been in your bed this morning and is hosted by Midnight Book Girl. Come share what book you’ve spent your time reading in bed or wish you had time to read today!

I’ll be spending my Sunday night in bed with True Love and Other Impossible Odds. This is a queer (upper) YA contemporary romance set in college and I love the premise! So far, so good but my mind has been feeling off lately and so my attention has been wandering more easily. I’m 20% in and it’s well-paced!

What book are you spending your Sunday in bed with?

Life has been stressful this past week. There’s a lot of family drama related to my brother’s wedding reception which is taking place in July so a lot of their friends and some family overseas can join. Somehow I’ve ended up in the middle of all this drama—even though it’s the last place I want to be—and honestly, it’s given me so much stress. 🥲 It has made me want to retreat even further into my shell and just shun the world, lol. A bit dramatic maybe (but no, seriously), I’m just very mentally and emotionally drained… I hope next week will be better since I’ll be going to Bali midweek for my nan’s 94th birthday at the weekend.

Being so mentally stressed this week has sent me into a bit of a reading slump. Even though I am reading the book mentioned above, my focus is also wandering very quickly. Nothing seems to be holding my attention for long periods though. It’s no big deal except for the fact that I really do want to read (especially being surrounded by ALL THE BOOKS) but… I can’t? 😮‍💨

ICYMI here’s what I posted this week:

cry – benson boone

I really hope you’re all doing okay and treating yourself with care. Let’s have a great week ahead! 💜

3 thoughts on “Sundays in Bed With… #MyWeeklyWrapUp [237]

  1. I hope the stress lessens soon, Dini! Don’t beat yourself up for not reading as much as you want to! Sometimes life just gets in the way and being cruel to ourselves on top of it is hard. You got this!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I feel that when it comes to drama and family. I usually end up in the middle and I just don’t want to hear anymore of it! 😅 I hope it gets better soon for you!

    Liked by 1 person

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