#WWWWednesday: 24 April 2024

Hello, hello and welcome back to another episode of WWW Wednesday, a weekly meme hosted by Sam @ Taking On A World of Words, which means I’ll be answering these questions:

  1. What did you read last?
  2. What are you currently reading?
  3. What will you read next?

Since last Wednesday I’ve finished four books.

Trail of Lightning by Rebecca Roanhorse ★★★★½
I buddy read this with Becky and it was a re-read for both of us. Thankfully, it lived up to our original feelings for it and I think I even managed to enjoy it more this time around. It’s a dark post-apocalyptic mythological fantasy that moved at a fast and steady clip. It ends on quite a cliffhanger and I can’t wait to buddy read the next book in May!

Bend Toward the Sun by Jen Devon ★★★★★
This was as gorgeous, tender, romantic and achingly angsty as everyone said it would be. I loved Devon’s writing and I loved Rowan and Harry. They were so relatable and realistic! 💜

The Kiss Countdown by Etta Easton ★★★★☆
This was a great debut and I loved the focus on character growth as much as the romance. While I’m not usually a fan of single-POV romances, it worked for this book because it was really Mimi’s story. I loved her and Vincent together and as opposing as their personalities were, they really were a perfect match!

Song of the Six Realms by Judy I. Lin ★★★★☆
My full review will be up tomorrow for my tour stop but overall, I enjoyed this. It’s a bit of a slow-moving plot and story but the writing and world-building are gorgeous and I loved all the Chinese mythology. The characters, even if not the most developed, were great and easy to root for.

The First Binding ⇢ 54%

Leslie and I are still slowly making our way through this chonkster. I’m a bit behind as I haven’t been reading it for a couple of days now though I’m slowly getting back into the story. Progress is being made! 😃

I’ve got a blog tour read to start and then let’s see where I go next!

What are you currently reading? Have you read any of these books or are they also on your TBR? Happy reading, friends!

14 thoughts on “#WWWWednesday: 24 April 2024

  1. Wohooooo!! We finished The First Binding!! I should probably start the arc of book two now and maybe I’ll finish by August. HAHA!! No, it was a tough one to read because of all the brain power but I did enjoy it!


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