Let’s Talk Bookish: Collecting Books

Let’s Talk Bookish is a weekly meme created by Rukky @Eternity Books and hosted by Aria @Book Nook Bits, and it’s where we get to discuss certain topics, share our opinions, and spread the love by visiting each other’s posts! If you want to join in the bookish discussion fun, check out the January 2023 prompts!

Now without further ado… The topic asks us about:

Collecting Books

Prompts: Do you enjoy collecting books? Do you feel like physical books are overpriced? Do you buy books after you’ve read them to add to your collection? Do you buy special edition collector sets? How invested are you in your book collection? 

Do you enjoy collecting books?

This would be a resounding YES, I DO! I love collecting books. I love filling up my shelves although I hate running out of space and the resulting clutter of book stacks on the floor after running out of said shelf space. Does the clutter stop me from getting more books? Absolutely not! I love adding books to my collection and seeing it steadily grow over time.

Do you feel like physical books are overpriced?

Hmm, to be honest, I’m not really sure. There are definitely some books that I see priced over $30 that make me think that’s too much, especially when it’s not a special edition and sometimes not even a hardcover but a large-sized paperback. Though as an international reader, I’ve come to expect that all English books will be more expensive and overpriced compared to if I bought them in the US or UK because I’m paying import/duty taxes which can hike the prices up a bit. That said, I don’t know if they’re overpriced when considering how much it takes to make them? I’m not well-informed enough about that topic to say!

Do you buy books after you’ve read them to add to your collection?

If I’m reading an ARC and I absolutely fall head over heels for it—5 stars, a new favourite, just can’t sleep without having it—then yes, I’ll definitely buy a physical copy to add to my collection. This has also happened a few times when I’ve read an e-book I’ve bought and loved it so much that I must have multiple copies of it. When I encounter books that I love so much, they usually do end up on my physical shelf too, although I tend to at least see if I can signed copies or a special edition set of the books before I do! One way or another, they do always end up on my shelf though, lol.

Do you buy special edition collector sets?

I definitely do! 😂 I love special edition collector sets (and special editions in general), especially of my favourite books, but I admit to buying them for books that I still haven’t read yet but are extremely well-loved titles (I know, I know)! While I do have, what I think is, a healthy collection of special signed edition books with beautiful sprayed edges, alternate cover designs, gorgeous foiling, and illustrated end pages, I actually don’t have that many SE sets. The series for which I have multiple special editions are V.E. Schwab’s Villains series and A Darker Shade of Magic series. The other sets I have include:

  • The Green Bone Saga (IC)
  • The Poppy War (IC)
  • The Sands of Arawiya (IC)
  • The Winternight Trilogy (FL)
  • The Brown Sisters (IC)
  • Strange the Dreamer (LJC)
  • The Aurora Cycle (Goldsboro)
  • The Nevernight Trilogy (IC)
  • The Winner’s Trilogy (IC)

I’m definitely coming from a privileged place as I’m usually able to buy books, even special editions, whenever I want and as an international reader, I definitely know how lucky I am to be able to do so (especially when we factor in the shipping costs). But I also work hard to afford it so I’m going to enjoy it as much as I can! 😊

How invested are you in your book collection?

I’d have to say that I’m pretty freaking invested—a lot of my money has gone to building up my collection of books and although it’s still relatively “small” compared to many others, I’m certainly not planning to stop growing my collection anytime soon!

One of my general life goals is to have a dedicated library room in my future home with floor-to-ceiling shelves, a cosy couch or two, fluffy carpeting and lots and lots of floor pillows everywhere. This has been my dream for as long as I can remember and I mean, is it ever too early to start collecting books? I say no. 😉 A lot of the books I had when I was younger are no longer with me as we moved around a lot and I’m pretty sure mum would chuck them or give them away without me even noticing in the hubbub of all the packing. But there’s no way that’s happening this time and I’m not letting anyone touch my preciouses without my consent, thankyouverymuch! 😂

Hmm, I hope this post isn’t seen as bragging because that wasn’t my intention at all, I just love my books and love to buy them! What do you think of collecting books? Do you buy special edition sets too? How invested are you in your book collection?

10 thoughts on “Let’s Talk Bookish: Collecting Books

  1. I only have 6 shelves to hold books, so I’m picky about which books I have. I have a couple shelves that are books I bought and then got autographed. One shelf is YA stuff I loved and am keeping for my daughter (Hello, Twilight Saga!). I have one that is full of JD Robb/Nora Roberts. That’s the one that will eventually be paired down for more favorites because I won’t reread them for sure.

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