#TopTenTuesday: Colourful Middle Grade Covers!

So, we’re back with another Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme hosted by Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl. This week’s prompt is: Colourful Book Covers.

For this week’s topic I decided to focus on middle grade books because they have some of the BEST colourful covers! Maybe I’m biased because I love illustrated covers and middle grade books always serve hard when it comes to those. You can bet that if I had the money and the space, I would populate a whole section of shelves with these gorgeous books and it’d be fire 😍🔥 This list is a mix of books I’ve read and a few that are still waiting for me to pick them up!

The Tea Dragon Society
Tristan Strong Punches a Hole in the Sky
The Ship of Shadows

Aru Shah and the End of Time
Dragon Pearl
Paola Santiago and the River of Tears
A Pinch of Magic

Have you read any of these middle grade books or are they also on your TBR? What books have your favourite colourful covers?

31 thoughts on “#TopTenTuesday: Colourful Middle Grade Covers!

  1. Middle grade is absolutely killing it with the gorgeous, colorful covers lately, isn’t it? I notice a lot of the books on your list are Rick Riordan Presents. Clearly, their artists know what they’re doing. 😉 I love all the Tea Dragon Society covers (along with the art in the books, of course). They’re so cute!


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