Goodreads Monday – The Shape of Thunder by Jasmine Warga

Welcome back to Goodreads Monday! It’s been a very hot minute since I did one but I figured I might as well get back into it! This weekly meme was started by @Lauren’s Page Turners and it invites you to pick a book from your TBR and explain why you want to read it. Easy enough, right? Feel free to join in if you want to! I’ll be using a random number generator to pick my books from my insanely long GR Want-to-read list.*

*Sorry if a book has been featured twice. I need to make better note of which ones I’ve done already!

This week’s featured book is The Shape of Thunder by Jasmine Warga. This is a middle grade contemporary that is set to be published May 2021.

Cora hasn’t spoken to her best friend, Quinn, in a year.

Despite living next door to each other, they exist in separate worlds of grief. Cora is still grappling with the death of her beloved sister in a school shooting, and Quinn is carrying the guilt of what her brother did.

On the day of Cora’s twelfth birthday, Quinn leaves a box on her doorstep with a note. She has decided that the only way to fix things is to go back in time to the moment before her brother changed all their lives forever—and stop him.

In spite of herself, Cora wants to believe. And so the two former friends begin working together to open a wormhole in the fabric of the universe. But as they attempt to unravel the mysteries of time travel to save their siblings, they learn that the magic of their friendship may actually be the key to saving themselves.

Why do I want to read it?

This sounds like a book that’ll sucker punch me super hard in the feels and I’m 100% here for it. I’m a pretty emotional reader and maybe I’m a masochist but I do love a book that can just wring my feels in the best way. One of my goals this year is to keep reading more middle-grade books and while my go to is usually MG fantasy, I’m keen to try more MG contemporary, too! Warga is an author I haven’t had the chance to try yet although I’ve also heard really positive things about her book, Other Words for Home, which is also still on my TBR!

Have you read Jasmine Warga’s book before? Is this on your TBR?

10 thoughts on “Goodreads Monday – The Shape of Thunder by Jasmine Warga

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