#5OnMyTBR: Heartwarming Graphic Novels

Hello Mondays, welcome back to #5OnMyTBR, a meme created by the wonderful E @ The Local Bee Hunter’s Nook. This bookish meme gets us to dig even further into our TBRs by simply posting about five books on our TBR! You can learn more about it here or in the post announcing it. You can find the full list of prompts (past and future) at the end of this post!

This week’s prompt is: Heartwarming and I’m going to be focusing on graphic novels specifically!

I find this topic a little tricky because most heartwarming books I’ve read lately were all completely unexpected, but I also find that it’s quite subjective? (Is that weird?) I decided to focus this week’s list on graphic novels specifically because why not? Really, I’m just looking for more recommendations from all of you, so please share them in the comments 🤣

I’ve heard so much about The Prince and the Dressmaker and not only how amazing it is but also how heartwarming. I’m very excited to read it (just need to get my hands on it)!

The first time I saw the cover for I Love You So Mochi I knew I had to read it. Not only is that title super cute, but I can tell just by looking at the cover that it’s gonna be great heart happy vibes 🥰

I think the first time I saw Sheets was on NetGalley and it was 100% that cover that caught my eye. Of course I immediately gravitated towards the pastel colouring! I heard this one was bittersweet.

Blankets was a recent-ish discovery that sounds like it’ll be heartwarming and heartbreaking at the same time. I love the cover as well, even if it gives me slightly melancholic vibes.

Heartstopper might be the graphic novel that I’ve seen the most widely circulated around the blogosphere. Everyone recommends it and it looks like it will have me feeling the cute-love-feels!



  • 06/04/2020 — Holiday Events // Easter free day (skipped)
  • 13/04/2020 — Heartwarming
  • 20/04/2020 — Hype from the past
  • 27/04/2020 — Poetry

Have you read any heartwarming graphic novels?
Share your recommendations in the comments please!

24 thoughts on “#5OnMyTBR: Heartwarming Graphic Novels

  1. Heartstopper is so cute! I’m reading the online version 🙂 And I’ve heard lots about Prince and the Dressmaker as well — I need to read it one day!
    Recently, I binged 8 volumes of Lumberjanes and they are cute and heartwarming!! Also, the Princeless and Princeless: Raven the Pirate Princess series are amazing!! Hope you’ll have fun with them all! ❤

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    • I had no idea it was an online version tbh but another blogger just shared the link with me and I’m gonna get on it ASAP! Yay, I’m so excited I can finally read it 😍 I’ve heard of and seen the covers for Lumberjanes and it honestly sounds like something I will love! I didn’t realise it’d necessarily be a ‘heartwarming’ read. Glad to hear it though 😀 Bumping that up even higher on my graphic novel TBR list! LOL will also check out your other recs! Thanks, E ❤

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  2. I haven’t seen Blankets befor and it looks cute! Heart stopper and princess and the dressmaker also look really good! I’m hoping to get more graphic novels soon 🙂

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