#TopTenTuesday: Most Recent Bookshelf Additions…

It’s that time of the week again, friends! We’re back with another Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme hosted by Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl. This week’s prompt is: the ten most recent additions to my bookshelf. I’m taking this to mean my actual (physical) bookshelf and not my Goodreads TBR shelf.

Have I mentioned yet how I’m looking to cut down spending on new books in 2020? The plan is not only to save money but it’s also an attempt to cut down on my unread physical shelf! But let’s also be real because I’m only hooman and when it comes to books I have little to no control (and I know I’m not alone in that); especially when it comes to that FOMO feeling! It gets me every time 🙈 So while I have added a *few* books to my shelves lately, I’ve also been doing pretty good at holding back, if I do say so myself! Here’s what I got:

I treated myself to The Way of Kings and Rebecca on boxing day because they’ve been on my want-list for so long and Book Depository was having all these sales so I thought why not? I finally caved and got NOS4A2 as it was on sale at another bookstore here. I love that title! Loveboat, Taipei and Tweet Cute were two new releases that I just couldn’t want to get my hands on so I caved and bought them.

Permanent Record and The Institute has been on my wishlist for a while now so I scooped them up during the boxing day sale too! I also finally found AHSFAB on a local bookstores’ online site and surprisingly Infinity Son going for a pretty reasonable price so I scooped that up too 🙊 The Existence of Amy was the first free physical book I received directly from an author and I was not expecting at all so that was a really pleasant surprise! It sounds like an interesting read and I’ve read some pretty positive reviews about how mental health is presented and discussed in the novel, so I’m looking forward to reading it. Huge thanks to the author 💞

What have been the newest additions to your bookshelf lately?

46 thoughts on “#TopTenTuesday: Most Recent Bookshelf Additions…

    • Yep, same here re. the reviews of Infinity Son but I saw the price and I thought that it’d probably be the best I’d get so I just went for it (I have no shelf control)! 😂 I’m very curious about it though. I hope you like it if/when you try it 🙂


    • I think getting it as an e-book was probs a smart idea. Just like how I got the paperback for Priory and it was SO INTIMIDATING (and also my arms couldn’t take the work out of holding it up while reading in bed LOL) so I bought the e-book too just so I could read it 😂 I rarely pay attention to book sizes on Kindle and I always read faster on it too so I don’t know why I insist on buying chunky ass tomes as physical copies 🤣

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  1. OOOOOOH PERMANENT RECORD! I loved that book. I hope you love it just as much. And omg Tweet Cute is out? I don’t know how I’d convinced myself it wasn’t out for another few months ooops. Guess I will be making that purchase sooner rather than later 🙈😂

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    • I KNOW! After reading your review for Permanent Record I just knew I had to read it. I’M SO EXCITED 😍 Tweet Cute is now out (has been since the beginning of January I think)! I’m really hoping that it lives up to being as cute as it sounds lol

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  2. A few of these are on my TBR too! I went to the signing for Permanent Record and it’s been sitting on my shelf since… haha whoops!!!

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      • It was great! She talked about a lot of neat stuff but I really enjoyed that she’s pretty much going to focus on telling Asian people’s stories which is something we need a lot more of! And me too! Initially I had some reservations about Penny but I loved it too! Thanks haha I’ll try to get to it soooooon 😏


  3. I’m reading “Tweet Cute” now and it’s cute! I’ve been reading it for WAY too long because I’ve had to read it in-between a few other books. 🙂 Hope you enjoy ALL of these, and I feel ya’ on the whole book-buying struggles! 😀

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  4. Rebecca is on my TBR for this year. It’s at the top of my classics I want to read list. Glad you found a copy of AHSFAB. And yay for the free unexpected book! I’ve gotten a few and it always blows my mind.

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    • Same here! I’ve been wanting to read Rebecca for so long, I’m glad I finally bought it 🙂 As an international blogger I think it’s so rare to get free physical copies coz shipping is stupid but I was so chuffed! I was already wondering what book I’d forgotten buying but then was from an author! 😂 Such a great feeling lol


    • I totally agree! I’m trying to limit myself to like one or two releases per month (HAHA) or simply going as long as I can without buying books and then rewarding myself by buying the ones I’ve been desperate to get my hands on after! 😂

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  5. TREAT YO SELF!!!!!!!
    It’s so hard not to buy new books though?? Especially when you see other people holding all those beautiful books and screaming about how good they are and – *suddenly buys 8 books in one go*
    IT JUST HAPPENS!! And when there’s a sale… gosh don’t even get me started…
    Loveboat, Taipai has such a beautiful cover! WHAT! That’s going straight on my list of books to buy next time I have money 😂
    Happy Reading!! I hope you enjoy all of these!!! ❤

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    • YAAAS. TREAT YO SELF is my thiiing haha maybe too much so sometimes but y’know I’m only human!!! I think buying books may be my one huge indulgence (I mean, aside from buying food lol), but it’s really SO HARD to not feel FOMO and then to control myself after seeing all the new books 😂😂😂 Maybe one day I will learn how to control myself better but today is not that day hahaha

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  6. I love that you have a Stephen King and Joe Hill book on your list, yet you’re not a great lover of scary stories. You crack me up. They are such fantastic writers, though, so I can’t say I blame you.

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    • Haha I know, I’m weird! But I think I’m also better able to take the gory/psychological scary stuff better than I’m able to take the paranormal/ghosts/possession type of scary! Haha I’m really looking forward to checking out these two books 😂


  7. Diniiiii. How’s that not buying more books thing going for you, especially after seeing everyone’s new books today? xD I still need to read The Way of Kings, too. You already know my thoughts on Infinity Son and AHSFAB, but I’ll be interested to see what you think when you get to them. :3

    Here’s my TTT post.

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    • ARGH The FOMO is so freaking real Sammie. I mean, I’m really trying to control myself but I’ve been so clear from the start that I have almost ZERO SELF CONTROL WHY 🙃🙃🙃 I’m really looking forward to reading more Sanderson this year! And you know how excited I am for AHSFAB lol I hope I like them all 🙈

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  8. I bought Nos4A2 back in March, and I haven’t read it yet, but the TV show was so good!
    A Heart So Fierce and Broken was amazing! I hope you love it!!

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    • Did I know there was a TV show?! That’s exciting! Is it already finished or is it still going? Also, AHSFAB is one of my most anticipated releases this year. I’m SO excited for it 😍


      • It’s ongoing! Season one is finished, but it’s been renewed for a season 2! They haven’t started filming for it yet though, so I’m not sure how much longer we have to wait for it, but I’m so excited!


  9. Ahhh… that gif brings back so many good memories for me 😛 I literally used it to justify all of my bookish purchases (and other random items I HAD TO HAVE) to my friends. So many good ones on here! A lot of them are on my TBR too, especially Permanent Record, The Institute and Tweet Cute ❤

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