#WWWWednesday: 22 May 2024

Hello, hello and welcome back to another episode of WWW Wednesday, a weekly meme hosted by Sam @ Taking On A World of Words, which means I’ll be answering these questions:

  1. What did you read last?
  2. What are you currently reading?
  3. What will you read next?

Since last Wednesday I’ve finished four books! All but one of these were blog tour reads and as you can see, all but the one was a hit for me.

A Botanist’s Guide to Parties and Poisons (Saffron Everleigh Mystery #1) by Kate Khavari ★★½?
This was an overdue ARC that I’m glad I finally read but sadly, the execution didn’t live up to the blurb. The writing needed much more editing, the MC was a bit too irritating for me and despite being less than 300 pages, it felt much longer!

The Magic Paintbrush by Kat Zhang ★★★½
I love an illustrated MG fantasy and this one was perfect! I’m glad this was put on my radar and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend this to anyone who wants a recommendation for a diverse, well-written and illustrated story.

Summer Vamp by Violet Chan Karim ★★★
What happens when you end up at summer camp for vampires? Apparently, you can have the most amazing, life-changing time. I loved this graphic novel and highly recommend it if you’re looking for a light, fun, summer read! 😍 Check out my review!

Wrath of the Talon (Talon #2) by Sophie Kim ★★★½
This was an intense sequel and I loved it! Sophie Kim had it right when she dedicated this to the angry girls… 🤭 Check out my review!

Storm of Locusts ⇢ 41%

Becky and I continued our buddy read of this intense series and we’ve both flown through it! I had to force myself to stop and sleep last night when I got to 30%. I haven’t had more than 20 minutes to read on my commute this morning but I can’t wait to keep going tonight!

Maybe this time I’ll finally return to Voyage of the Damned cos I really want to read it!

What are you currently reading? Have you read any of these books or are they also on your TBR? Happy reading, friends!

12 thoughts on “#WWWWednesday: 22 May 2024

  1. 2.5 stars?! Oof! I’m glad you had some other enjoyable reads in there. OMG! I forgot.. I need to go through your AMAZING list of our Owlcrate books! I’ll try and do that tonight. I think I remembered just now.. bc Voyage of the Damned is an Illumicrate book I have. haha

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah, this one just didn’t work for me. The premise was so interesting and I think it had potential but it read so unedited and the MC irritated me more than a bit the further we got on 😂 and YES! I have the Illumicrate version of Voyage too 😍 I’m keen to read it lol

      Liked by 1 person

      • Ahh, that does not sound like a pleasant reading experience! I need to check my schedule because I’m sure I have arcs coming up but if not.. maybe we can read it next week!!

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