The Quarter Year Crisis Book Tag: May 2024

Let’s disregard the fact that it’s already May and that we’re almost at the halfway mark of 2024, okay? The Quarter Year Crisis Book Tag is one that I’ve done for the past two years and I always look forward to it, so I’m not going to let my lack of organization stop me from doing this now—sorry, not sorry. 😂

I’ve just remembered that Caro @BookCheshireCat tagged me to do this back in April but I only recalled it today as I was looking for a nice and easy tag to kick my week off.

This tag was originally created by Roisin @Roisin’s Reading and you can view it on BookTube.

How many books have you read so far?

It’s the end of May and I’ve read 73 books this year. For the past few years, I’ve set my reading goal to 150 books but this year I reduced it because 2023 was a struggle and I just hit my goal by the end of the year. Maybe I will adjust it again if I hit 100 within the next couple of months!

Have you already found a book you think might be a 2024 favourite? If not, what was your favourite book you read that wasn’t quite five stars?

I’m so lucky to have read so many 5-star books this year and there were tons to choose from but…

The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue

I put off reading this for years but I finally read it this year and oh, my heart. I missed Addie and Henry the minute I finished this book and I still tear up thinking about their stories. 🥹 I love them so much!

Any 1-star books / least favourite book of the year?

To Gaze Upon Wicked Gods

I’m surprised that I don’t actually have a 1-star read but it’s a rare rating for me. I can think of two books for this prompt but I was most disappointed by this one because it was one of my most anticipated 2024 debuts/releases.


Most read genre so far?

I haven’t been keeping up very well with my Storygraph this year but I’ve got Kal’s spreadsheet to thank for helping me keep track here. 😂 Unsurprisingly, romance and fantasy are my top read genres with historical (romance, mystery, fantasy) and contemporary (romance, lit fic) being tied in the subgenres!

A book that surprised you?

Sea of Tranquility

I’d had this on my TBR for ages now and I was worried that I wouldn’t enjoy it but it was a surprising 5-star read! It’s so beautifully written and I loved the interconnected stories and how it all comes together!


A book that’s come out in 2024 already that you want to read but haven’t yet?

Is it possible to only pick one? No. Lol. 😂 So here are five and they’re all romances! 😍

One goal you made that you’re succeeding at

I have to say that I’m pretty happy with the progress on my Goodreads Reading Challenge! After the struggle I had with reading last year due to my poor mental health, I was worried 2024 would be a repeat of sorts. I hope I don’t jinx myself saying this but I’m hoping the steady reading continues! 😍

One goal you made that you need to focus on

There are actually two goals here that I want to highlight and they’re related in a way. As with every year, I always make goals to read my backlist and my overdue ARCs and most years, I fail spectacularly. So far, I’ve been making decent progress but I know I need to spend more time on these goals to actually make a bigger dent, which is what I want!

New to you Bloggers/Booktubers/ Bookstagrammers/Booktokers for 2024 you recommend?

I’m really embarrassed to admit that I haven’t really discovered many new accounts this year as I haven’t been spending much energy engaging compared to previous years. I know, it’s horrible. 😢 I hope by the end of the year I can include a proper list!

I’m tagging: YOU!

And that’s a wrap on my first quarter of reading in 2024! I hope I’m not jinxing the rest of my year when I say this, but it hasn’t been a bad start so far and I hope the rest of the year will only go up! How was your first quarter of reading?

9 thoughts on “The Quarter Year Crisis Book Tag: May 2024

  1. Ooh! I’m gonna be that cheeky an join with this one, sounds fun!

    I’m also curious about Bride and well, feel like I missed some ARCs and dates already. Just so busy the last couple of weeks. Didn’t get to anything!

    Really want to engage with other bloggers more as well, plus, ofc, posting more again! I thought about post-dating some posts but I’ll see, haha!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, absolutely do! I’d love to see your answers 🙂 I hope you’ve had a good if not decent reading year so far! Over the years, I’ve been so poor with keeping up with ARCs and getting them read on time that I’ve mostly stopped requesting them. 😂 Rest assured, we’re not alone in falling behind on ARCs though, lol. I totally get you—finding a balance is definitely tricky but I hope you end up being able to do all you want with reading and blogging!


  2. It seems like a very successful reading year so far!! I feel you on blogging and engaging more. It’s always my intention but then life gets so busy. I need to be better! I hope the rest of the year is amazing! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • I have to say, and I hope I don’t jinx myself in doing so, but it’s been a pretty great start to the reading year. I hope it continues in the same vein but who knows what life is gonna throw at me in the second half of this year 😂 The last few years have taught me to be prepped for anything, lol.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yes, I feel you. I seem to always struggle with reading the summer months. Probably because we are so busy and always outside! I have had my worst reading month this month!! I hope you keep going this strong! 🙂


  3. You actually are on track for your original challenge. But you know, I set mine the same every year knowing I will most likely read more. You leave it at 100, if you read more – HOORAY, right? I don’t have any 1-star books. I would have DNFed that trash.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Haha, I’m so bad at DNFing even though I’ve been doing pretty well with following through several times this year (reading your comment made me realise that’s a goal I could’ve mentioned here lol)! And you’re right—I could just leave my goal at 100 and just read more. Always nice to see at the end of the day and who knows what the rest of the year will bring! 😂

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