The Weather Book Tag

Hello, friends! I’m kicking off the week with a book tag this Monday! I first saw The Weather Book Tag on Kyla’s blog and it looked like the easy kind of tag that I love doing, so I immediately bookmarked it!

I wasn’t sure who made the tag but I followed the trail of posts from Kyla’s page to Bookstooge.

Sunshine: A book that made you smile

Shucked by Kate Clayborn

Clayborn never fails to make me smile and giggle like a fool so this is no surprise. I adored her latest release so much!

My review.

Rain: A book you couldn’t put down

Magic Burns by Ilona Andrews

This was a recent read and loved it so much that I couldn’t put it down until I finished it in the wee hours of the morning. It was so unputdownable!

Wind: A book that blew you away

The Six Deaths of the Saint by Alix E. Harrow

For how short a read this was, Harrow really managed to take me to a different world and get me emotionally invested in this character. Perfection!

My review.

Hurricane: A tragic book

The Goddess of Nothing at All by Cat Rector

This book ripped me to shreds. Stories about gods are rarely happy ones and although this had its lovely, heartwarming and happy moments, it was undoubtedly tragic.

My review.

Blizzard: A book that you had high expectations for

Untethered Sky by Fonda Lee

I’m a huge fan of Lee’s Green Bone Saga and even though this is more sci-fi, I had high expectations for it! Thankfully, it didn’t disappoint and Lee proved yet again why she’s an auto-buy author for me!

My review.

I won’t be tagging anyone but if you want to do it, feel free to grab it and tag back cos I’d love to see your answers! 😍 Have you read any of these books or are they also on your TBR?

7 thoughts on “The Weather Book Tag

  1. The weather here is finally starting to head towards fall. I’m excited for the change. I loved reading your answers for this one. I loved Canterbary’s and Harrow’s books. I will have to do this tag soon.


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