#WWWWednesday: 01 July

Hello, hello and welcome back to another episode of WWW Wednesday, a weekly meme hosted by Sam @ Taking On A World of Words, which means I’ll be answering these questions:

  1. What did you read last?
  2. What are you currently reading?
  3. What will you read next?

I’ve been incredibly busy packing for my big “cross country” move from Bali to Jakarta, on top of still having to work as I don’t have anymore leave days left this year, so reading has taken a bit of a back seat. Since last Wednesday I’ve only managed to read three books but I’m trying not to feel meh about it.

Summer Strawberries at Swallowtail Bay by Katie Ginger ★★★★☆
This would be the perfect companion for a hot summer day laying by the pool or at the beach soaking in the sun (with no one else around because we’re still mindful of social distancing!!!). I enjoyed this lovely romance a lot more than I expected. The characters really grew on me and I rooted for them to their HEA because they absolutely deserved it! Check out my full review.

Wundersmith: The Calling of Morrigan Crow (Nevermoor #2) by Jessica Townsend ★★★★★
I need book three NOW! I think I loved Wundersmith even more than I did book one and that’s saying something because I adored book one. The Nevermoor series continues to sweep me away to its magical and odd world. The characters grew on me even more in book two and the plot becomes even more intriguing. If you want a book that’ll give you those nostalgic and whimsical childhood feels, this is the one! Review coming very soon.

The End of Magic by Mark Stay
TEOM has a great premise and presented an interesting idea but I felt that the follow through in terms of world building and characters fell short. There wasn’t much world building and I unfortunately found the characters very unlikeable and hard to root for. This was also a lot more violent/gore filled than I expected. I will say that Stay’s writing style was very easy to read and that’s how I ended up finishing the book despite of the difficulties in reading it. Full review to come (soon-ish)!

I’m currently reading Unravel the Dusk but with all the packing and preparing for the cross country move, it’s slower going than I anticipated. I’ve also started B*Witch and it’s giving me some These Witches Don’t Burn vibes but I’m also at the very beginning so let’s see how it goes! I might be able to get some reading done in the car tomorrow while my uncle is driving but let’s see how tired I’ll be since it’s already 11PM and I have to be up in 4 hours so that I can shower (to wake myself up) and be ready to leave for this long-haul trip at the butt crack of dawn (woo…)!

I’ve got some more blog tour reads coming up but not as many as before what with everything that has happened. I’m still planning to post my reviews for the eARCs that I already received and to give the authors my full support because they deserve better. That said, I’m also looking forward to mixing up my reads a little bit more with some non-tour eARCs because well, it’s about time!

How is your reading week going and what are you currently reading?

14 thoughts on “#WWWWednesday: 01 July

  1. YOU FINALLY FINISHED WUNDERSMITH!!! I’m so glad you loved it. Now you get to suffer with the rest of us while we wait for Hollowpox. Yay! 😀

    OMG, your upcoming reads! *flails* First, I’m also reading Ship of Shadows. Second, I SEE TWO TJ KLUNE BOOKS THERE. And I hope you love them. They’re so different tone-wise, but I absolutely loved them! I’ve already finished The Extraordinaries, but I haven’t written my review yet. If you need to shout about either of them, you can DM me on Twitter!


  2. The Strawberry book looks adorable! I might have to pick that one up. B*Witch has such a great cover – I’ll have to find that one!


  3. So many good books!!! I just finished The House in the Cerulean Sea and it was AMAZING!! 5 stars from me!! I really hope that you enjoy it as much as I did. I can’t wait to get my copy of Unravel the Dusk in the mail!


  4. I hope your move goes smoothly and you’re able to read some! I’ve only done one blog tour, but I can see how they can get overwhelming fast. I get overwhelmed with just regular old ARCs. 😉 Happy Reading!


  5. Dini I’ve read nothing in a week……… 😅😅😅😅 OOPS! 😂😂😂💜🧡💙💚


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