Down the TBR Hole – 12

It’s 2020 and I’m back with my first Down the TBR Hole post of the year! As of right now, my Goodreads TBR is a whopping 1,052 books and I thought I’d make it clear that just because it’s on my Goodreads TBR doesn’t actually mean all these books are on my physical or Kindle shelves (I wish I could afford to own that many books)! With that out of the way, I’m hoping to start the year off strong and boot a few more books off my list. Let’s see how I do today!

Down the TBR Hole is a weekly book meme created by the wonderful Lia @ Lost in a Story that attempts to organize our ridiculously long Goodreads TBR list by choosing either to keep or eliminate the books we’ve saved on there. Here’s how it works:

  • Go to your goodreads to-read shelf.
  • Order on ascending date added.
  • Take the first 5 (or 10 (or even more!) if you’re feeling adventurous) books. Of course, if you do this weekly, you start where you left off the last time.
  • Read the synopses of the books
  • Decide: keep it or should it go

Verdict: Keep

The Grapes of Wrath
A guy I once dated who never read anything randomly read this and couldn’t stop talking about it. So I’m curious lol

The Dead Room
It sounds so interesting. I love post-apocalyptic dystopian novels!

The Bookshop on the Corner
This just sounds like the perfect feel good read that’s right up my alley! Books about books = forever love 🥰

Before I Fall
This has an interesting premise that has me curious and it has pretty positive reviews!

Verdict: BYE-BYE-BYE!

The Narrow Road to the Deep North
This sounds interesting but like it’ll be a tough read that I have to be in the right mood for. Don’t know if I’m so into it right now so for now, it’s going bye-bye!

The Famished Road
Reading the synopsis I don’t know how this hooked my attention. Especially since it’s compared to One Hundred Years of Solitude and I was gravely disappointed with that one. Yikes!

Stealing Snow
I love retellings but this just does not sound appealing anymore lol plus the reviews are terrible! 🙊

The Elephant Tree
I’m honestly still really into the cover, but I don’t know that this really sounds like my jam…

I don’t know if I jam with Cecelia Ahern? So this is going off for now…

Cold Fear
Yeah, again, I don’t know what made me add this to my list? It sounds okay but nothing wow?


I managed to boot 6/10 reads from my TBR this week–not bad! The more I do this weekly meme the more I think about what I was thinking (if anything) when I added some of these books to my TBR because some of them really don’t sound like things I’d be interested enough to want to read? Maybe that’s a testament to my changing reading tastes though! 🤷🏻‍♀️ With six books booted, my GR TBR now stands at: 1,046 books (hahaha)

17 thoughts on “Down the TBR Hole – 12

    • Haha it is embarrassingly huge!? I quite like the “want-to-read” button on Goodreads 😂 I go through wild and random liking sprees where I just have too much fun clicking that button! Thankfully I don’t own all of them though. That’d be even more ridiculous!

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  1. I want to read The Grapes of Wrath. It’s hard to put aside classics I find. I only read two authors of the books you said bye bye to. I was really excited for Danielle Paige’s books but I found that her style wasn’t for me. Out with the old and in with the new as they say.

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    • It really is tough setting aside classics! I always feel like I should read them especially when there’s a lot of hype around it. I haven’t read anything by Danielle Paige but glad to hear that I made the right choice in saying bye to that one 😂


  2. DINI I AM HERE WITH MY UNPOPULAR OPINION AGAIN 😂😂😂😂😂😂 Before I Fall is dreadful….. not that I’d ever tell someone not to read a book…. but I owned this book. And took pleasure in throwing it out…. make of that what you will 😂😂😂😂😂

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    • HAHA why am I not surprised Emer!? 😂😂😂 Everyone else is telling me that it’s such a great book and it has such positive reviews from others I follow on GR. I’m super curious about it now! Lol I want to know what side I fall on here 😂😂😂

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