ARC August TBR

It’s August. Can you believe? The nerve of this year to run away from me like this! I can’t even. Seriously though, can you believe?! Next thing you know we’re gonna waking up and it’ll be 2020 already! 🤦🏻‍♀️Yikes. But… I digress because that’s not what I’m here for!

Today I’m here to talk about ARC August. If you can’t tell from the name, ARC August is a month long reading challenge hosted by Octavia and Shelly over at Read. Sleep. Repeat. The goal is to cut down on the many ARCs that you may or may not be drowning under. All ARCs count–it can be a digital copy, a physical copy, an upcoming release, or a past due release… (*cough*). One thing that I’ve been repeating to myself for the last few months is: I WILL READ MORE ARCs. But it never happens. So what better time to do it than now when there’s an awesome month long challenge to help motivate me to kick ARC ass?

I’m well aware that we’re already into our first full week of August and I’m just now sharing my TBR, and a highly ambitious one at that, but everyone knows how bad I am at following TBRs anyway, so… Let’s see how this month goes 😅Right now though I am feeling pretty determined to get through the list below (made up of five past dues and seven upcoming releases).

Are you also participating in ARC August? If you are, will you try to get through all your ARCs or only a select few on your list? Let’s chat in the comments below!

13 thoughts on “ARC August TBR

  1. I’m still in a little denial about it being August already. =/ Where did my year go? I have to start Christmas shopping already! *cries*

    You’ve got some great books on your list, and I look forward to what you think of them. I was looking at Voyages in the Underworld, so I hope you read it and tell me whether I should pick it up, because decisions are hard. xD Shadow Frost caught my eye before, too, and it looked really good.

    Never heard of Parable of the Sower, but I love the cover, and I’ve heard really good things about Octavia Butler.

    I hope you get a chance to read aaaaall the ARCs lol. Enjoy!


  2. Ooh you have some awesome looking books on tap! Shadow Frost and A Random Act of Kindness both look intriguing and fun.

    LOVE that cover of the Lightkeeper!


  3. I have Shadow Frost and The Grace Year! I am hoping to finish most of my arcs this month but I am already slacking when it comes to reading, ha.


    • Thanks! I’m looking forward to getting started with it because as of now I’m still on the one book that I’ve been reading for the past week and it’s frustrating me haha 😂


    • I have definitely stopped requesting and I’m on a mission to stop until I manage to knock out a few of the very overdue ARCs! 😂I’m just now finally starting to read my ARCs and it’s already almost the middle of the month (how does time fly so quickly?)!


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