#WWWWednesday: 26 June 2024

Hello, hello and welcome back to another episode of WWW Wednesday, a weekly meme hosted by Sam @ Taking On A World of Words, which means I’ll be answering these questions:

  1. What did you read last?
  2. What are you currently reading?
  3. What will you read next?

Since last Wednesday I’ve finished three books.

Wildfire (Hidden Legacy #3) by Ilona Andrews ★★★★★
A stunning ending to the Nevada Baylor trilogy of the Hidden Legacy Series! I love Neva and Mad Rogan. The Baylor family is incredible and the supporting cast of characters (Cornelius, Bug, Dr. Daniela Aras to name a few) gave perfect found family vibes. This is such a great series and I can’t wait to continue it through Catalina’s POV.

A Darker Mischief by Derek Milman ★★☆☆☆
A good time was not had. The writing was painful, the characters were flat, and the plot was practically non-existent. I just… Disappointing doesn’t even begin to cover it!

Change of Heart by Kate Canterbary ★★★★½
Canterbary does it again. I loved Henry and Whitney—their romance was swoontastic and made my heart melt. Henry was the most wonderful love bug and gah, I adore him to bits! 🥹 Their forbidden romance was low-stakes because they were Sensible People™️ but that doesn’t mean the sexual tension was too because Canterbary delivered big on that! 🔥 I just adored this romance with Grey’s Anatomy’s vibes. Highly recommended!

Foul Days ⇢ 37%

I’m kinda surprised by how much I’m enjoying this. Not that I expected to dislike it but I wasn’t sure what to expect. Kosara is a prickly and sarcastic MC who I’m coming to love and I can’t wait to learn more about the detective! The dry humour is also perfect.

I’ll Give You the Sun ⇢ 23%

I haven’t picked this up for a week so this might be a soft DNF for now because I want to come back to it but I need to be in the right headspace (and I need to have the time for it)!

It’s time to seriously dive into the ARCs!

What are you currently reading? Have you read any of these books or are they also on your TBR? Happy reading, friends!

21 thoughts on “#WWWWednesday: 26 June 2024

  1. I’m glad you are enjoying Foul Days! It missed the mark for me but I think it was due to the writing and humor lol. It’s funny how that works.

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  2. Dini… I don’t know that I’ve seen any of these books until today! *shocked face* If you are not feeling it, definitely do a soft DNF. Mood is a huge game changer when starting books! I hope you have a lovely week, my friend!

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  3. You know how the song goes (maybe?) – two out of three ain’t bad. Sorry Mischief was a stinker, but the other two sound amazing. You know, IGYTS can seem a bit heavy until it’s not. When those timelines merge, the healing begins and I remember being very happy at the end.

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    • I do want to keep reading IGYTS but I’ve been so distracted lately that I feel like I’m not giving the book the focus and chance it deserves. So I think I’m gonna come back to it once my headspace is a little less bogged down by everything else happening IRL. I’m happy about your comment though because that gives me some hope for such a heavy beginning! 💜

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