#WWWWednesday: 5 June 2024

Hello, hello and welcome back to another episode of WWW Wednesday, a weekly meme hosted by Sam @ Taking On A World of Words, which means I’ll be answering these questions:

  1. What did you read last?
  2. What are you currently reading?
  3. What will you read next?

Since last Wednesday I’ve finished two books. It’s been a slow reading week!

Voyage of the Damned by Frances White ★★★★½
I loved this queer fantasy mystery! I laughed, cried and had a great time trying to solve the mystery alongside Dee. Also, witnessing the hot messes that are these Blessed was a trip! Overall, this was intense, emotional and surprisingly fun. I highly recommend it!

The Wonderful Wishes of B by Katherin Nolte
This middle grade was… Different. Is it contemporary is it magical realism is it… even real? I have no clue and I’m not sure the book did either, lol. All I know is it didn’t grip me how I expected it to and sadly, it was hard to care for these characters; even, or maybe especially, our protagonist, Beatrice. Also, this might be the least diverse book I’ve read in YEARS and that’s saying something! 😂

System Collapse ⇢ 70%

I’ve fallen behind on my buddy read with Leslie but we struggled to get into this one! I don’t know if it’s really because there’s more sci-fi jargon than previous books or perhaps, as we reflected, it’s our mood? Either way, while I don’t dislike being back with Murderbot, I’m just not as into the story as in previous times!

We’ll see where my mood takes me!

What are you currently reading? Have you read any of these books or are they also on your TBR? Happy reading, friends!

12 thoughts on “#WWWWednesday: 5 June 2024

  1. You can do it!!! You are almost there!! Yeah, I didn’t really start to get into it until all hell broke loose. LOL. Idk why.. but I do hope you can finish soon. Take care of yourself though and make sure your mood is up for it! ❤

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