Monthly Wrap-Up: May 2024

Where did May go? I don’t know 😂 Honestly, I’m thinking back on this month and I can’t really recall much of what happened. It was obviously birthday month (also, shoutout to fellow bday baby, Leslie!) but as usual, it was a low-key affair. I treated myself to some goodies including four new Switch games, plus the 10th Anniversary Edition of Song of Achilles and the 5th Anniversary Edition of Circe.

One set that I was highly looking forward to arriving this month was the Bergman Brothers set from Illumicrate. I received it and the art is stunning, as I expected, but I was disappointed to see that the sprayed edges were not in book order. From their website and other people posting their sets, the edges should align with the order of the books, which makes sense, so I’m pretty bummed my set is like this. I know it’s not a life-altering issue and I normally wouldn’t raise anything but considering the set’s price (+ international shipping fees) I did send an email asking about it. I’m not really expecting them to do anything but I don’t know, I guess I was just really disappointed… 🥺

May ended up being a much better reading month and in total, I read 20 books! I think this might be the most I’ve read in a month all year long and I’m kinda shocked because it didn’t feel like I read that much, lol. While most of my reads stayed in the 3-4 star range, I did have one 5-star read and this book shot itself into my all-time favourites list: The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue. Schwab has this wicked ability to just get me so deeply in my feels with her relatable characters and gorgeous prose. This was a slow-moving but captivating and heartwrenching tale and it lives in my heart. 💜

*covers are linked to Goodreads and the text is linked to my review, if available*
*books are arranged by order read—oldest to most recent*

5 pandas

4.5 pandas

ARCWrath of the Talon

4 pandas

Buried In A Good Book
ARCSummer Vamp

3.5 pandas

ARCLast of the Talons
ARCThe Magic Paintbrush

3 pandas

Less than 3 pandas

I’m chugging along nicely with the few year-long challenges I’m doing—so much so that I’m tempted to join two summer reading challenges starting this month! Let’s see if I do it or if my sensible brain prevails. 😂

Project Backlist Reading Challenge: 📚 4 backlist books // 📱 2 backlist ARCs
2024 Buzzwordathon: May (“every”): Everyone In My Family Has Killed Someone
2024 Year in Aeldia: May (Title has multiple L’s): The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue

And that’s a wrap for May! How was your month? What was your favourite read or favourite moment in May? I hope everyone’s doing well and is taking good care! Here’s to an amazing June for all. 💜

18 thoughts on “Monthly Wrap-Up: May 2024

  1. I can’t believe it’s been ten years since those books came out. Doesn’t seem that long ago. I don’t blame you for being disappointed about the sprayed edges. Good for you for sending an email about it. I hope they respond in a positive way.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I ended up reading the least amount of book in a month this year in May. Everything was just mediocre for May although I did have 2 new 5 star reads the remaining 5 books I read were only 3-3.5 stars.

    Liked by 1 person

    • All of the Switch games I bought are old ones that I’ve been keen to play. I got It Takes Two, Harvest Moon: Winds of Anthos, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. I’ve only played Harvest Moon so far and while I really disliked it initially, I can’t seem to stop playing. There’s a huge Nintendo digital sale going on right now though! I’m eyeing Cult of the Lamb… Lol what games have you loved recently?

      Liked by 1 person

      • Ohh I need to play Skyward Sword!! I had it on the Wii back in the day but the controls were so bad that I gave up 😂 I’ve also been eyeing Cult of the Lamb!! I’ve mostly been playing Breath of the Wild recently, as I got it for my birthday and have been playing it since 😄


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