Sundays in Bed With… #MyWeeklyWrapUp

We’re back with another Sundays in Bed With… meme! This meme dares to ask you what book has been in your bed this morning and is hosted by Midnight Book Girl. Come share what book you’ve spent time curled up reading in bed with, or which book you wish you had time to read today!

I’ll be spending the rest of my Sunday in Bed hopefully finishing Ranger’s Oath. I actually started this book a while back but whenever I’d pick it up when I got into bed I’d fall asleep almost immediately? 😳 It’s weird because I know I enjoy it whenever I pick it up I think the pace was just a bit slow at the start and it took a little while to get into the book. That said, I really like the characters and the world building is well done! Not to mention that I really love this cover 😍 I think this also won fourth or fifth place in the BBNYA 2020 Awards and I defo get the love for it!

The barrier between worlds is broken. Only he knows the truth…

Magic has protected Tarsynium for a thousand years, shielding its people from being ravaged by bloodthirsty demons. When a young ranger’s apprentice named Owyn Lund discovers that the Arc of Radiance has been breached, he tries to warn anybody who will listen.
But legends aren’t supposed to be real.

When a village is mysteriously destroyed, rangers, mages, and rebels all point the finger, blaming each other for the demons’ brutality. However, Zara Dennel, a mage’s ward, has heard Owyn’s tale—and she’s inclined to believe him. Together, they must prove that friendship is greater than intolerance, unity is more important than division, and that even the most powerful magic can sometimes not be enough.
Failure means the end of all things. A second—and lasting—Doom.

What are you currently reading?

What has been happening lately? Not a whole lot. 😂 I kinda feel like life has really stagnated lately and not just because of the obvious pandemic situation for the last year but also with work and not really knowing what I want to do next. I’ve been exploring options of going back to school and maybe pursuing something completely different and possibly related to books but at 32 (33 in a few months!) I’m feeling kinda silly for thinking about it. My current job has drained everything out of me and has made me question my worth/ability so much over the last 4 years and I’m such a goose for staying but… When you’re comfortable… (Lame excuse, I know!) I haven’t journaled in the last few days so all these thoughts are piling up so sorry for going all melancholy there!

I added more Sanrio characters to my island and I am officially in love with Chai, Etoile and Marty and their houses 😍 I had a bit of a shock this morning when I logged onto the game and saw Zipper, the creepy Easter bunny, and there were easter eggs… Everywhere. It was a good reminder that easter is just around the corner though cos I completely forgot! LOL

It’s been another weirdly slow week of reading. I’ve been struggling to read a a book for a blog tour next week because the Kindle version of the ARC has so many randomly missing words and I get so tired reading it on my phone/computer screen! It’s such a pain and this is the first time it’s happened to me 😂 Other than that, I haven’t been reading any of the things I “should” be reading (blog tours, ARCs and buddy reads) and instead somehow found myself reading a menage erotica duet? Haha, I don’t even know how but I didn’t hate it? 🤷🏻‍♀️ It’s been weird vibes all around this headspace! I have also been terrible at writing reviews but honestly, what’s new lately? *le super sigh*

Top 5 Saturdays: Books Set in the Desert
First Lines Friday: 26 March
Cover Reveal: Crave Thy Neighbor by Teagan Hunter
The Spring Cleaning Book Tag
#WWWWednesday: 24 March
Blog Tour Review + Giveaway: Lost in the Never Woods by Aiden Thomas
#TopTenTuesday: I Liked It… But I Can’t Remember Much About It…
#5OnMyTBR: Green Covers
Goodreads Monday: In Deeper Waters by F.T. Lukens


I didn’t know what to expect when I saw the song title but… What a song! I’ve been listening to this artist on repeat lately and he’s fast becoming a favourite!

I hope you’ve all had a good weekend and that you have a great week ahead! Take care of yourselves and of each other, friends 🖤

11 thoughts on “Sundays in Bed With… #MyWeeklyWrapUp

  1. It’s never too late to change careers, even to go back to college to do it, if you choose. It’s actually quite healthy and can be so life affirming to find a career that you are passionate about – at any age 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    • You’re right! I think being surrounded by family who can’t understand my “sudden” desire to pursue something so different from what I’ve been working towards ever since uni has really made me question my decision. But I think you’re definitely right—it’s never too late and I think it’ll definitely be healthier for me! Thanks so much for your kind words, Tessa 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hello Dini! I know…. I’m useless at keeping in touch and blog hopping these days. Life is just a whole bunch of bleurghhhh! Just sending you all of the love my friend 💜💚💖 And absolutely change your career if you want. You’re never too old to change your mind about your path in life. If your heart is telling you a change of direction is needed then I think you should listen to it. Much love 💓

    Liked by 1 person

    • Emer! I was so surprised to see your comments (sorry I’m only getting round to responding now I’ve been slacking off this past month with the engaging)! It’s so good to see your message and I know you’ve been going through really difficult times. I hope you’re feeling slightly better these days? Sending you good vibes and positivity, my friend ❤️ Also, thanks for the kind words. I think it’s definitely the smart way to go! Lol 🥰


  3. I am pretty sure I have that book on my tbr! If not I will add it. 🤣 Sometimes change is good! I understand wanting to stay because it’s comfortable, I honestly hate change since it triggers my anxiety. Hopefully (if you decide) you can find something that is better for your mental health!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Haha, I hope you enjoy it if you do add it to your TBR, Joanna! 😂 I do agree that change can be good especially when it’s such a sad and maybe even toxic situation, but yeah, the anxiety factor definitely plays a role in my hesitation 🙈 I think this change will ultimately be worth it though (hopefully)! Lol

      Liked by 1 person

  4. That is a cool cover on Fall of Radiance! Okay, now on to your career…(LOL!). Dini, my mom just graduated from nursing school 2 years ago. She was just over 60 yrs old! She said she may retire in 10 to 15 yrs, but at least that’s 10 to 15 years doing what she would feel good about doing! You may be over 30, but think of how much time you still potentially have ahead of you! Figure out what will bring you joy and go for it! Prayers and hugs for you, my friend!

    Liked by 1 person

    • That’s really awesome—good on your mum! This definitely makes me feel a little less silly for thinking about a career change—and I know maybe I’m silly for even thinking it’s a silly idea but I’m surrounded by people who don’t understand it and it’s making me question my choices 😂 Thanks for the lovely words and encouragement, Ali! It’s much appreciated! ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

      • *HUGS* You’re so welcome! Don’t let anyone make you feel silly for doing what’s right for you. You’re the one that has to live with the choices you make.


  5. It’s never too late to change careers and going back to college. I’m doing it right now and I’m also in my 30s. It’s hard, not gonna lie, especially because I’m working full time but I’m happy doing it. I feel like I’m investing in myself and fighting for what I want. I could’ve done it sooner if I stopped second guessing myself and listening to other people that “didn’t get” my need to change things. If you think you’ll be happier pursuing other career options and/or going back to college, you should do it, Dini. You can do it! 😀
    Missing your island pics! ❤️


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