#TopTenTuesday: 10 Books from the 1980s

So, we’re back with another Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme hosted by Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl. This week’s prompt is: Books Written Before I Was Born (These can be books you’ve read or want to read!) (submitted by Davida Chazan @ The Chocolate Lady’s Book Review Blog)

Well, I can’t say that I’ve ever done a prompt like this one before! Prior to starting this book blog I never really paid attention to when books were published. To be honest, even with this book blog, I’m only mostly aware of pub dates for books that I’m reading for blog tours or for ARCs, but otherwise I still don’t pay dates that much attention. So I wasn’t even sure how to go about doing this list but thanks to Goodreads’ compiled lists for books going back to 1980, my decision was made easy! Since I was born in 1988 (I’m old?!) I thought I would share two books from my born year and share one each year going back to 1980. I’m quite surprised to find that I actually do have at least one book for each year! All of these are on my TBR (but like, long, long list TBR with the only exception being Midnight’s Children which is almost immediate TBR lol) and I’ll read them one day… One day! 😂

1988: The Queen of the Damned by Anne Rice
The Satanic Verses by Salman Rushdie
Beloved by Toni Morrison
1986: Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones
1985: Perfume: The Story of a Murderer by Patrick Süskind

1984: The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera
1983: Alanna: The First Adventure by Tamora Pierce
1982: The Gunslinger by Stephen King
1981: Midnight’s Children by Salman Rushdie
1980: The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco

Have you read any of these books or are they on your TBR too?

41 thoughts on “#TopTenTuesday: 10 Books from the 1980s

  1. Yeah, I don’t pay much attention to publication dates either. I had to do lots of searches to write my list this week!

    Have you read Beloved yet? You might really like it!

    Thanks for stopping by earlier.

    Liked by 1 person

    • All of these are on my TBR so I haven’t read Beloved yet but I hope to one day (maybe hopefully) soon? I am very much looking forward to giving it a go though! It’s a classic for a reason, right?!


  2. Great list, Dini! Tamora Pierce is an author I really need to read–even though I’m a fantasy fan, I feel like there are so many classic authors in the genre I haven’t read–and I’d like to try The Name of the Rose and Beloved, too. Howl’s Moving Castle is so fun! I love the Studio Ghibli film as well, even though it’s very different. 😀

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    • Thanks, Jess! I’m looking forward to giving Pierce a try because her books are so popular. I LOVED the Ghibli for Howl’s so I’m definitely curious about the novel. I guess I should keep in mind how different they are before I go into it though so I don’t have expectations? 😅

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  3. This challenge threw me as well! My first thought was how to change it, because I specialise in YA and trying to find good quality images of YA covers before 2010? Not happening. I went with books set in the 80s instead.

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  4. I haven’t read any Anne Rice but have been curious. You are not old! I was born in 1987… I don’t feel old.. okay, I do most days. Maybe that’s the lack of sleep with toddler life mixed. haha. Howl’s Moving Castle is one that I really enjoyed!! I read it last year and loved it!

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    • Is it short!? I think I remember seeing the book in-store before and it seemed pretty standard in thickness… BUT I have heard a lot of people say it’s a struggle to get through but that it does pick up in the sequels 😅

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      • I always felt it was short, but now that I look at the page count I guess it’s short compared to the other books in the series and most other Stephen King books. It’s over 200 pages, so not as short as I thought.


  5. Oh I like your idea Dini, I’m an 89 child and had a really hard time getting books for this list… clearly I like more modern titles 😂. I did have Howl’s Moving Castle on mine, and I will definitely be checking a few of the others out.

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    • Yay for 80s babies! I was honestly surprised I had books for each year in the 80s since I pay so little attention to pub dates and only a few are on my med-high priority TBR so who knows, I’ll probably never get around to the rest 😂 Hope you enjoy Howl’s, Becky!

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  6. I read The Name of the Rose! It was powerful. My sister keeps telling me to read both Beloved and Midnight’s Children, but she didn’t care for his Satanic Verses. Sounds right. I’ve read two other Rushdie and one I loved and one I didn’t care much for.

    Liked by 1 person

    • One of my close friends recommended it to me and she had previously recommended another book that became an all-time favourite of mine so I’m hoping to have the same luck with Name of the Rose! 😃 I’ve heard Satanic Verses is quite a controversial book but also not as great as his others though I haven’t tried Rushdie yet as I’m a bit intimidated 🙈 Midnight’s Children is on my med-high priority TBR though so I hope I can get to it soon!

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