Top 5 Saturday: Unreliable Narrators

I’m back this week for another Top 5 Saturday, a weekly meme created by Mandy @ Devouring Books. This week’s topic is: unreliable narrators! This is a pretty interesting topic to look at and it’s surprisingly one that I don’t think I’ve explored in any of my posts. When I think of unreliable narrators I definitely think of thrillers/mysteries first and foremost, but of course I had to rely on the handy dandy site that’s Goodreads to help me figure out if any of the books I have on my TBR have unreliable narrators!

I’m also going to make this v. short because I’m literally sick AF and due to shitty airline policies I’d still have to pay $500+ to reschedule my flight, even with a medical certificate stating that I’m unable to fly. Plus, they wanted to put me in medical quarantine and when I asked if they do that and deem that I’m unable to fly will I still have to pay for rescheduling the flight, they said YES. Fuck that shit. Sorry — I try not to swear much on here but I’m bleeding tired and over this BS and I feel like utter and total shit. Here we go on a 10 hour journey…

Do you like reading a book that unreliable narrators?
Are any of these books you want to read?

8 thoughts on “Top 5 Saturday: Unreliable Narrators

  1. omg i am pissed for you…i’m sorry that you have to go through that and that’s their policy that’s absolute bullshit. i havent read any of these but most of them are on my tbr!

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  2. Awh Dini I’m so sorry to hear that you’re so sick! The airline shit would piss me off too so I am soo sorry that you have to go through all of that right now. Sometimes I Lie is one that almost made my own list. I haven’t heard much about it though so I’d check out some reviews before I read it, but it sounds good!

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